Daca atunci cand iesi din casa, fara un motiv anume, doar de dragul plimbarii, prima reactie a cuiva este "dar ce s-a intamplat?? de ce ai iesit?"... atunci, cu siguranta, ceva nu e in regula cu viata ta!
Ne facem timp prea rar, prea putin sau... prea tarziu pentru lucrurile/persoanele cu adevarat importante.
Avem mereu impresia ca suntem atat de ocupati, incat n-avem timp de pierdut cu "prostii". Uitam ca prostiile sunt cele care conteaza, de fapt.
Simt, in ultima vreme, ca am pierdut timp pretios cu prea multe lucruri utile si serioase si responsabile. Si ca toate nu mi-au ajutat nici mie, nici altcuiva, la nimic.
Ieri am fost in parc. Dupa multa vreme. Si m-am lovit de reactia de mai sus. Ultima oara am fost acolo cand mi-am facut timp pentru a vizita pe cineva internat in spitalul de vis-a-vis. Nu inflorisera copacii inca, atunci cand a ajuns. Iar eu ii descriam parcul si primavara. Si verdeata ce explodase parca in numai cateva zile. Eram optimista. Ii spuneam ca nu va mai recunoaste Copoul cand va iesi din spital.
Dar... n-a mai reusit sa vada copacii infloriti. ...Sau poate ca da?
...Poate ii va vedea mereu.
If I were able to live my life anew,
In the next I would try to commit more errors.
I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more.
I would be more foolish than I've been,
In fact, I would take few things seriously.
I would be less hygienic.
I would run more risks,
take more vacations,
contemplate more sunsets,
climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
I would go to more places where I've never been,
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans,
I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones.
I was one of those people that lived sensibly
and prolifically each minute of his life;
Of course I had moments of happiness.
If I could go back I would try
to have only good moments.
Because if you didn't know, of that is life made:
only of moments; Don't lose the now.
I was one of those that never
went anywhere without a thermometer,
a hot-water bottle,
an umbrella, and a parachute;
If I could live again, I would travel lighter.
If I could live again,
I would begin to walk barefoot from the beginning of spring
and I would continue barefoot until autumn ends.
I would take more cart rides,
contemplate more dawns,
and play with more children,
If I had another life ahead of me.
But already you see, I am 85,
and I know that I am dying.
(Jorge Luis Borges- Instants)
Ne facem timp prea rar, prea putin sau... prea tarziu pentru lucrurile/persoanele cu adevarat importante.
Avem mereu impresia ca suntem atat de ocupati, incat n-avem timp de pierdut cu "prostii". Uitam ca prostiile sunt cele care conteaza, de fapt.
Simt, in ultima vreme, ca am pierdut timp pretios cu prea multe lucruri utile si serioase si responsabile. Si ca toate nu mi-au ajutat nici mie, nici altcuiva, la nimic.
Ieri am fost in parc. Dupa multa vreme. Si m-am lovit de reactia de mai sus. Ultima oara am fost acolo cand mi-am facut timp pentru a vizita pe cineva internat in spitalul de vis-a-vis. Nu inflorisera copacii inca, atunci cand a ajuns. Iar eu ii descriam parcul si primavara. Si verdeata ce explodase parca in numai cateva zile. Eram optimista. Ii spuneam ca nu va mai recunoaste Copoul cand va iesi din spital.
Dar... n-a mai reusit sa vada copacii infloriti. ...Sau poate ca da?
...Poate ii va vedea mereu.
If I were able to live my life anew,
In the next I would try to commit more errors.
I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more.
I would be more foolish than I've been,
In fact, I would take few things seriously.
I would be less hygienic.
I would run more risks,
take more vacations,
contemplate more sunsets,
climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
I would go to more places where I've never been,
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans,
I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones.
I was one of those people that lived sensibly
and prolifically each minute of his life;
Of course I had moments of happiness.
If I could go back I would try
to have only good moments.
Because if you didn't know, of that is life made:
only of moments; Don't lose the now.
I was one of those that never
went anywhere without a thermometer,
a hot-water bottle,
an umbrella, and a parachute;
If I could live again, I would travel lighter.
If I could live again,
I would begin to walk barefoot from the beginning of spring
and I would continue barefoot until autumn ends.
I would take more cart rides,
contemplate more dawns,
and play with more children,
If I had another life ahead of me.
But already you see, I am 85,
and I know that I am dying.
(Jorge Luis Borges- Instants)
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